Do you have a photo with a celebrity? We would love to see it and post it! Please send them to ME
We had seen Air Supply before at Kutchers and were planning to see them again at the Dutchess Co. Fair years later. My wife and friends backed out, but I was working in Kingston for the NYC Water Supply, so I went on my own across the Hudson. Instead of the free grandstand, I bought an "expensive" seat for $5, from which I wrangled a meet-and-greet --- Including the Picture.
And I thought the Short guy was Short. Makes me look like a midget.
Lou Chanin (posted 3/1/2023)
"This was my groupie-phase.
Spent a lot of time and dinero"
Julio Iglesias & Rosemary McNerney in the 1990's

Anderson Cooper with Rosemary
April 2015

Rosemary McNerney & Joanne Akerstrom (Class of 1968) are with Tommy Trump at the LMHS 2018 Reunion picnic

Vic Sassone and LBJ June, 2019
Wait! How can that be? Isn’t LBJ dead?
Hope this tickles your funny bone

Steve Ross and Pete Rose
July 2005
Rheva Mason (Thomason) and I met with our spouses David and Peggy for dinner and then an evening with Philip Margolin at a book signing for his latest mystery novel. He was very impressive and made the experience quite enjoyable. Attached is a photo of Rheva, Philip and me at the event.
Larry Carballo

For those of you who don't know, Phil Margolin is one of our classmates and a New York times best selling author.
His latest book is "Woman With a Gun".

Susan Amrhein Mulligan spotted her first celebrity at a yard sale.
That's Joy Behar from The View.
Susan says she was hoping to spot Paul McCartney, who had been seen around town.
It's so great that phones have cameras these days or moments like these would never be captured.

Harvey Pearlstein met up with his favorite Los Angeles Dodgers player Clayton Kershaw in Las Vegas. Now he can say that he did win in Vegas.

Sometimes we do get more than we bargained for. Roberta Willensky Klein went to see "Love Letters" on Broadway. Getting her picture taken with the stars Mia Farrow and Brian Dennehy was an unexpected bonus. What a treat!
Submitted by Roberta Willensky Klein 10/01/14

On Saturday evening Steve and Phyllis Ross went to a performance of "Shatner's World" at CW Post College on Long Island. William Shatner held a meet and greet for trekkies and in Steve's own words, "Phyllis and I beamed in". I'm thinking I don't need to label the people in this photo.

Dotty Dorsa Read attended her grandson's wedding and posed with Geraldo Rivera, who just happens to be family. With her permission, I am sharing this with all of you.

The grandson of Honey Murway Cottrell lives in Korea with his parents. Recently the Dallas Cowgirls visited Korea and fell in love with Nolan. He's going to love this photo when he's about sixteen!