George E. Barhold
In loving memory of George E. Barhold
Though I did not know him in his high school days, I would like to share with you as only a son can share about his dad.
I do want to tell you that I believe that my Pop was a great man, though he was not rich or famous by earthly standards. It was in the many lives that he touched in his 63 years that made him so rich. I am fortunate to have known him, and more fortunate to have been loved by him.
In all honesty my regrets are few. In 1988 Pop had a triple by pass, and we almost lost him, I was 22 and our relationship was very poor. I remember sitting on the church steps and praying to God that he would spare my pop so we could fix this relationship. We were blessed with almost 19 years and we formed more than a father son relationship. He was my pal and mentor. He was there when I met my wife, and he handed me the ring as I proposed to her. He was the best man at my wedding, and helped me prepare our first home. He was there to hold each of my 3 girls just minutes after they were born, and to create each nursery. When I got transferred to Florida, it was Pop that did so much of the packing, and then he followed me down here when he retired.
We bowled together at nationals, local tournaments, in leagues and we made a great effort to spend our free time together. We both made the most of the 19 years, we fulfilled every dream that we could have ever dreamed. It is true that 100 years would not have been enough, but I am thankful for the last 19. He passed away Feb 12, 2007, but leaves me with only great memories, and the legacy of a great role model dad.
Thank you for this Web-Site, and the opportunity to share my dad with you.
In loving memory of George E. Barhold
From his Son, George S, Barhold