
43 Years ago on June 19th Sue (Amrhein) & John Mulligan were married. Wishing them a very happy anniverary.

Congratulations to Laura (Allen) & Dick Lally who celebrate 23 years of marriage on June 19th

Congratulations to Roni (Cojac) and Alan Mintz who celebrate 54 years of marriage on June 26. They are seen here with their son and daughter.
Congratulations to MaryAnn (Lavery) & Harry Turk, who will celebrate 37 years of marriage on June 26th
Anniversary greetings go out to Barbara (O'Connell) & Trent Lawrence. 53 years ago they were married on June 27th
Judy (Cottrell) & Glen Wolter will be celebrating 53 years of marriage on une 18th. We wish them the best.

Congratulations to Pat (McCauley) & Rich Mangels, who will be married 56 years on June 16th. They come in third as our longest married couple
Congratulations to Kevin & Rosemary Farrell who celebrated 45 very happily married years together on May 19th

Best wishes go out to Carol (Manning) & Sal Del Prete who celebrate 55 years of marriage on June 7th
Phyllis (Peckman) and John Purkey will be celebrating their 21st wedding anniversary on May 22nd. Congratulations!

On May 16 Sandy (Parrish) and Del Duvall will celebrate 49 years of marriage. Best wishes to the happy couple.

Congratulations to Honey and Tom Cottrell who celebrate 56 years of marriage on March 3. They are the second longest married couple in our class. They met outside at a fire drill on LMHS grounds. We’ll never know which principal decided that day would be a good day for a fire drill. But he changed the course of these two lives.

Congratulations to Joy (Calvano) and Dave Lawrence who celebrate 35 years of marriage on January 10. Wishing them many more years of happiness.