Warren Hechinger
Warren's Alumni Page has been incorporated into this page. He had such a great photo story that we want to keep his memories for all to view.
I see on the web-site that several LMHS alumni have sent information and pictures of their present activities. I have a small place in Indonesia where my friend and I provide support for a small village near Singarajar. It's our way of putting something back to the world, which has been rewarding to us.
If anybody from our alumni wishes to take the long trip to Bali I can guarantee a special package which is as they say " offer you can't refuse "
Enough Said - The End
Dear Marcy,
It saddens me to learn that Warren has passed away. However, I take some solace knowing that I recently had the opportunity to talk to him, exchanging memories of the past and learning of his life's work and many accomplishments. I thanked him for his friendship during our high school years and I especially thanked him for the kindness and advice he offered me during a very difficult time during our senior year. Amazingly, he recalled that time well, and of course, modestly minimized his role. I learned at that time that there are no unimportant acts of kindness. What a message to learn at such a young age.
Marcy, a special thanks to you for taking the time and effort to reconnect us. My admiration to those classmates who were so kind, compassionate and thoughtful to organize and attend Warren's recent life celebration in California. You are all a class act!
Let us remember Warren's spirit and may it live on with the birth of his grandson.
Doug Gibson
Via Email 2/24/07
I was so saddened to hear that Warren lost his battle with cancer at such a young age. He went out in style and the way only Warren would like to have gone. His spirit will live on in his daughter and his grandchild yet to be born. He always lived life to the fullest. I remember a time back in 1960 when Warren took his Dad's 1957 Ford out, raced up and down Loring Rd in Levittown challenging a few of us to drag. As I remember it, that was a fast stock car for its time. He blew the doors off my 1959 Renault (40 HP) and as he pulled away from me at lighting speed. He looked sooooooo cool driving that Ford. I will miss him and his antics.
Stu Smith
Via Email 2/15/07
I was very sorry to hear of Warren's passing - but it was wonderful that so many people were able to visit with him at his party.
Honey Murway Cottrell
Via Email 2/14/07
While not unexpected, Warren's death is still a shock. I feel terrible and will say prayers for his soul. When I broke my collarbone playing football, Warren took me to the hospital. I'll never forget his kindness then. He didn't even remember taking me.
Jerry Murphy
Via Email 2/14/07
Hi Marcy,
I was very sorry to hear of Warren's passing. We never know what life has in store for us. It's a shame that Warren did not get to meet his grandchild. Val and I had planned to attend the party for Warren in January, but Val's 93 year old mother took a turn for the worse just after the new year and we couldn't travel too far from home. She passed away on January 18th.
Joe Garofalo
Via Email 2/14/07
Dear Marcy,
I was so sad to learn of Warren's passing but at the same moment I smiled thinking about his friends who were
able to be with him in California recently to celebrate his life! What a wonderful gift for all.
God Bless
Susan Amrhein Mulligan
Via Email 2/14/07
Hi, Marcy,
Gino just sent me an email telling of Warren's death last night, which is so very, very sad. I went to our website to have my own little "memory lane of Warren" and, despite a way-too-early passing, I have to say he did things in grand style. His place in Indonesia I'm sure was his heaven on earth, but still I know we'd all have preferred having him around for more years than were given us. He was a one of a kind fellow. I'd like to think he's up there smiling.
Celeste Vives Holden
Via Email 2/13/07
It is with great sadness that I share the news that Warren Hechinger passed away last night at 8:30. His long battle with cancer has ended. He is survived by his daughter Dena Melin, who is expecting his first grandson in April. Dena can be reached at Denamelin@charter.net