Informal Gatherings History
Memories from 2011 & 2012
Four days after our reunion I said my goodbyes to the Murphys, who were taking off for Maine. Knowing that next summer they plan to go to Alaska again, we all figured it would be at least two years before we met up again.
Hi Marcy,
These are some of Betty Csontos original paintings. I was so impressed by how pretty they are that I asked if she minded if I shared them. She did not mind. I am always amazed at the things some of our classmates have done. Didn't know if it is something that might be posted to the website or not, but did think you might enjoy seeing them. Art is the reason she was in the Tampa area as she and a friend were taking a watercolor class.
Hi Marcy,
Valerie and I got to spend a week at a time share in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, 3/19 to 3/26. While we were there, we had dinner with Sandy (Parrish) and her husband Del Duvall.
We also went to see their gorgeous new home (not quite finished yet), and the views from their house overlooking the water are fabulous. However my new and yet untried camera did not capture what we were seeing. I guess we will just have to go back, again ------- and again.
Dear Marcy,
Wishing you and the Class of '61 all the best for 2012.
I'm enclosing a photo taken of Iris Kogel (Chapman) and me when Dick and I went to Maui earlier in December. Iris was a fun and gracious tour guide. Then we went to her lovely home overlooking the ocean, where we had a wonderful time, meeting her husband, son, and precious grandson. Iris and I had been e-mailing for several months, and our finally getting together was as if we'd seen each other just last year, instead of 50 years ago.
I owe you and the website committee a big "Mahalo" (Hawaiian Thank You), because our getting together never would have happened without LMHS61.org. You've kept us young at heart, and in touch with each other in a way that is the envy of many of my current friends!
Laura Alien (Lally)