Look at Gino getting out in the California sunshine.

From Robert Ettore Lenci:
I found an old photo on a backup drive of my brother Gino Surfing. This photo was blown up life size and was hanging in the Oxnard, California McDonalds
Thanks to Cameron for providing this photo of his Dad on 5/18/22, when he took Gino out for Father's Day.
Cameron also wants to remind us all how much Gino enjoys the phone calls. (805) 525-7134 or his cell phone (813) 454-6847

After a not-so-brief hospital stay, Gino is back in Vista Cove. He may be reached on the hospital phone (805-525-7134). His cell phone number (813-454-6847) is also active. Please remember he is in the Pacific Time Zone. The mailing address is listed in the 12/14 post below
Recent photo of Gino
Gino Lynch
c/o Vista Cove
250 March Street
Santa Paula, CA 93060
Phone: 805-525-7134

Gino now has a cell phone. So in addition to cards and letters, I am sure he would enjoy some phone calls. He may be reached at (813) 454-6847. Please remember he is in Pacific Time Zone.
Updated info for Gino from Iris Kogel-Chapman.
He enjoys reading the cards and letters he receives from our Classmates
New Vista Post Acute Center
1516 Sawtelle Blvd, Room 29A
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Updated info for Gino from Jeff Chasan and Iris Kogel-Chapman:
Glendora Canyon Transitional Care
401 W. Ada Avenue
Glendora Canyon, CA 91741
626-471-1895 (Direct line for Gino)
I hope this message from Jeff Chasan inspires someone to pick up the phone and call Gino:
Just got off a 40 minute call with Gino. WOW does he sound good. Amazing no depression or feeling sorry for himself. Lots of things going on with and for him in a positive way. Certainly has MANY challenges ahead as well. Currently serious kidney issues that are functioning at around 15% of normal. Doing dialysis 3 X a week hoping to get that function up to 40%. He found out that he probably qualifies for a California insurance called MEDCAL which along with Medicare AARP and Veterans assistance will be a big financial plus for him. Other than obvious problems is being alone. Spends more time looking at the ceiling but he said it in non complaining way. Anything you can do to get others to give him a call I think he would love to hear from any and all of us. Feel free to call me if you have any questions
Jeff (7/4/2021)
I received a phone call from Gino tonight. His mailing address is the same but he does have a new phone number: 626-430-5737. He is in a new room and has two roommates. He is going for his dialysis treatment tonight. He does that three times a week. He has spoken at length with social workers from the hospital that he’s in and the veterans hospital. They are looking out for him and things that he may be eligible for in the future.
He asked that I tell everybody that he is in an extremely good frame of mind and will continue to do all that is necessary to get back home again. They told him he’s looking at maybe ten months before he can go home.
He would like to thank everybody who has called or sent cards. Now that we have his new phone number, those calls can start again.
Marcy (6/12/2021)
Hi Marcy,
I finally was able to connect with Gino yesterday. He is now in his third room at the hospital. Room 308C; phone number (626) 430-5750
He's hanging in there.
As you may remember, I'd send him a birthday card each year and we'd write letters back and forth and chat on occasion. I reminded him how he kindly mailed me his alto sax so I could get the feel of it! We have the same compassion for animals.
The next email to you has a painting he sent me a few years ago at Christmas and a photo of boat lettering.
I am holding a vision of Gino following the wisdom and guidance of God.
Pat Pandolfi

Hello Honey.
I just spoke at length with Gino and he seems to be doing as well as can be expected. In case you don’t have it his new room number is 308C and his direct number is 626-430-5750. Just wanted to update you. Be well and thanks for all your efforts on LMHS61.
Larry Carballo
Gino would love to hear from everyone. Several people have called him (626-430-5724) and others have requested his current mailing address.
Gino Lynch
Kindred Hospital San Gabriel Valley
845 N. Lark Ellen Avenue, Room 210A
West Covina, CA 91791
Just got off the phone with Gino. He sounds great! He is in excellent spirits and has an amazing positive outlook.
He really appreciates phone calls. I told him we were all rooting for him.
Steve Ross (4/27/21)
I had a long talk with Geno this past Saturday. I said,"Knowing you, you would probably build your own prosthetics !"
I'm not sure if all of our classmates know what an accomplished artist Geno is. He has a business painting decals on boats but his real passion is his watercolors.
He promised the hospital staff that he would paint several pictures for them. I can admit to being an artist of sorts as a fine art photographer. I sent Geno one of my photograph Christmas cards. He sent me a hand painted watercolor Christmas card!
He told me in great detail how he approaches painting his works, his thought processes and feelings that he embeds into his paintings and his often going back to a painting to improve upon it.
I told him I predict that in the near future, he will be in a museum.
Steve Bitel
Corrected phone number for Gino is 626-430-5724
Jeff Chasan is sharing the new phone number there. He called both Jeff and Frank Curtin. He welcomes phone calls from any of his classmates. The new number is 626-430-5723.
Gino has a tough road ahead of him but Frank reminded me that he drove a motorcycle from California to a class reunion on Long Island.
Frank Curtin received a phone call from Cameron Lynch last night. By now you know that Gino had a double amputation 6 inches above the knee. He was unconscious for a couple of days but he is now awake and in good spirits. They told him they will be moving him to a Veteran’s hospital. This will be a big help with his hospital bills. Fortunately Gino is a veteran. The other advantage is that the veteran’s hospitals have a lot of experience in leg amputations. It will be a long process but he’s a lot better off than he was a month ago. Thank you everyone for your prayers. When we have the new hospital address we will post it here.
Posted by Cameron Lynch on FaceBook
To all that are concerned about Gino Lynch...
Well, he wants you all to know that he loves his flowers...
He is really emotional about all the endearing support that you all have provided. His phone number is (626) 339-5451, room 210A
If you would like to call him, please do..
He has survived his bi-lateral amputation with style and grace, now is looking forward to becoming a 7 foot cyborg as different lengths of prosthesis can be used
A message from Gino’s brother Robert
To All:
Monday, the 12th I flew to LAX, rented a car and drove to Ventura. Spent Tues through Friday with Gino as he had his ups and downs. No one was quite certain that he would be ready for a 2nd operation after what he went through.
Cameron (his Son) and I did what we could to lift his Spirits and brought him as much food from the outside as he could tolerate. Remember, Gino is a Vegan and in order to get his internal levels up so they could operate again, he needed as much protein as he could get.
To watch my Brother chew a piece of Steak told us that his will to live was going to get him through all of this. Although Gino, “Superman” has been was lying in a bed since March 17th and becoming increasingly ill day-by-day, this week that I was there was his turning point.
The man that I saw when I arrived on Tuesday was not the same man that I left behind this past Friday night. Thursday, the nurses took out the tubes, no oxygen tubes were needed, and although he was in a bed, he was back to being “Gino”, a smile, and those electric blue eyes.
The transition was amazing.
I left Ventura yesterday at 4 AM for LAX, spent the entire day traveling back home to Kauai. Gino was scheduled for his 2nd surgery this morning, Monday.
His Son Cameron called a little while ago and told me that Gino is out of surgery, he did very well. The Surgeons cut both of his legs about 6” above the knee. There’s no doubt that he will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
But knowing my Brother, he’ll find a way to use some sort of prosthetic and be standing tall again within a short period of time. The plan now is Cameron is going to take over Gino’s business. With Gino’s guidance, Cameron should do really well and continue Gino’s legacy.
I want to thank everyone for their prayers, Spirit, and support that everyone has given to our family. The Doctors and Nursing staff (Angels) at Community Memorial Hospital are the best!
If you would like to send a card or anything, here’s the information.
Community Memorial Hospital
147 N Brent St, Ventura, CA 93003
(Gino is in room 6121)
I love you all.
Robert Lenci
Mobile: 808-439-3976
Curtin got a phone call from Cameron Lynch. Gino had a double leg amputation today. He is still unconscious but very much alive. If all goes well, he will be walking with prosthetics within the year. Thanks to all of you who have continued to pray. 🙏
From Marcy;
Gino’s brother Robert flew out to see Gino. Robert’s wife wrote this on Friday. Let’s keep our prayers going. He always finds a way to beat the odds.
Well Bob's visit is helping Gino feel better enough to go ahead with the 2nd surgery on his legs.. His protein levels have raised and he is laughing all the time with Bob around he can be such a clown.
Bob is so glad he went to visit him and he isn't enjoying the cold weather in Ventura though. He has a couple more days to hang out with him before he heads home to warm and sunny Kauai.
Keep Gino in your prayers for him to prove us all wrong he will thrive and survive...now known as the artist patient in the hospital.
Blessings to all of you for your good thoughts, vibrations and energy for this miracle to happen for Gino.
Gino got the tube out of his throat today so he can eat better now...Bob told me tonight that he is the most popular patient in the hospital so he will have lots of staff sending him good vibes for his amputation this weekend. We don't know the day yet. He was in very good spirits tonight and will be in bed now for 1 month.....Keep the prayers coming please.
Love to you all.
Romae and Bob

Less than 3 weeks ago, we lost our Sister Alice, and now my beautiful Brother is making his transition. This is about all I can take at this moment. I pray for my Sister and my Brother's spirit, our family, and all of our friends that knew us. The hospital at this time is keeping him out of pain, but now it is just a matter of time. I'm so sorry that I have to pass this on.
Love to all,

To All:
I just got off the phone with Gino.
They moved him to another room, but he still has a bunch of machines attached to him.
We actually had a conversation on the phone! He's pretty much out of it but wow, … he's alert, speaks in a whisper.
Now, it’s time for him to heal and get home.
Love you all,
Robert Lenci
Mobile: 808-439-3976
Wow, the news about Gino was sobering. I will definitely pray for him, and ask my friends who are prayer warriors to do the same.
He was my first date when I started at school. We went bowling! Very sad.
Celeste Vives Holden
All: Words cannot express my gratitude to all that prayed for our brother Gino Lynch and to my Nephew Cameron for being by his side every day . The Surgeons today 3/27 decided NOT to perform a second operation, that his body was getting better (I had NO doubt). Gino actually called our home phone today, left me a message while I was at work. Now, let's get him out of that bed and back to his home ASAP!
Gino & Robert

I received this message from Iris Chapman. I see it as extremely good news.
Cameron messaged that surgery postponed. Cardiologist wanted Gino to eat to bring up protein level for strength. After he ate he began to feel sensation in his legs. Dr. said necrosis levels going down. So who knows??? Maybe another miraculous recovery! This info from Cameron. Cause for optimism, I think.
I received a phone call from Frank Curtin. Our classmate Gino is undergoing more surgery today. Sadly, it will be a leg amputation because of the damage done to the aorta. They need to restore circulation to his leg. They are going to try their best to do it below the knee. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Gino is a fighter. In the past he has fought mudslides and fires. I think he will do his best to fight this too.
Gino & Cameron

Another update on Gino. This one is from his brother Robert. Nothing like good news after such a stressful week.
To All:
I just got off the phone with Gino.
He’s awake, alert and we had a good chat.
Yes, he’s going to be in the hospital for awhile and we’re very optimistic that he will recover and be back home ASAP.
Love you all ~
I will keep in touch.
Robert Lenci
Mobile: 808-439-3976

I received a phone call tonight from Frank Curtin with the most wonderful news. He got a phone call from Gino who is now conscious and no longer has a tube down his throat. He still has a long way to go but he’s in a lot better place than he was for the last week. Thanks to all of you who sent prayers his way. We will keep everyone posted as we hear further news.
We have been asked by the brother of Gino Lynch to pass on the sad news that their older sister Alice passed away early this morning. Alice was LMHS class of 58.

Our classmate Gino is fighting for his life after emergency surgery for an aortic aneurysm. He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance yesterday and he is still unconscious. His son Cameron has been staying with him in the hospital room and will stay with him through the night. Gino is in pretty bad shape. Cameron says that his vitals are failing. Please say prayers for his recovery.