2017 & 2018 UPDATES
That Was the Year that Was
Another year has passed and it seems like the older we get, the faster time flies. Most of us hit the three quarters of a century mark in 2018 and the rest will be catching up in a matter of months.
This past year we added five new names to our Gone But Not Forgotten page- Bud Ebert, Maria Claps Hartranff, Maxine Broad Hill, Tom Ruggiero and Joan Frisch Little. It’s hard to believe that we have 70 classmates on that list. Those are just the ones we know about. I’m sure there are more but we are unaware of who they might be.
Pat McCauley Mangels, Carol Manning Del Prete and Honey Murway Cottrell organized a mini reunion for our Florida classmates this past spring. It was a great success and enjoyed by all who attended. These ladies went all out decorating and bringing nostalgia to their classmates. There is talk of doing it again in a couple of years.
Condolences to Barbara Bockmann Ippolito who lost her 95-year-old mother this past year. They were very close and so it was especially hard for her. I’m always amazed that we have classmates who still have living parents. What a gift you have been given.
I am very grateful for the hard work of Frank Curtin and Honey Cottrell. They spent countless hours this past year calling classmates to update information for our yearbook page. We discovered that a lot of addresses and emails were out of date. They were also able to find out anniversary dates as well as a few classmate birthdays that we didn’t have. I’m sure you know by now that there is a reunion for all the classes of the 60s on July 19, 2019. Some of you have bought your tickets already. It’s not too late to get on board. Contact Honey at honey.cottrell@gmail.com if you want to sign up.
Bob Benson has been maintaining this class site for the past 13 years. We are so indebted to him for his part in keeping us connected as a group. Bob is retiring at the end of December and so we will be moving the site to another location. Starting in January we will be located at www.lmhs61.com. It is actually the same name as the old one except that we are now .com instead of .org. With the help of her brother, Honey is tackling the huge job of posting our news and pictures. We ask for your patience as this is a work in progress. She is trying to salvage as much as she can from the old site so the pictures will not be lost. Bob says there are over 40,000 folders on that site so it is a big time consuming job. Not to mention that she is learning as she goes. Honey is my new hero!
In the future you can send your news and photos to either Honey or myself.
As always, we are deeply grateful to Bob Benson, our boosters and all of you who have been sending us news. Wishing you all very happy and healthy new year. Stay in touch!
Time for my annual "Thank you for all you do" message. I'm sure I speak for everyone who follows the website in saying how much we appreciate your efforts.
Things here are good. My health is fine and I stay busy. My oldest grandson is going to Indiana U. next fall.
I don't know who's going to miss him more.....his parents or me.
My younger grandson is a Freshman in high school and playing football. His school's varsity team won the State Championship this year!
I spoke to Bob Levine a couple of weeks ago and his recovery from heart surgery is going well, but too slow for Bob.
My very best wishes for a great holiday and a happy and healthy 2019.
Harvey Pearlstein
I received a phone call from Gino after Larry Caraballo called him. He confirmed that he is safe and sends his best to all who asked about him. I heard firsthand of the horrors he went through earlier this year when the fires were so close to is home. He spent most of his time sitting on the roof with a hose watering everything down. I can’t even imagine.
Carol Dunne Creal reports that she is safe in Irvine California. I was concerned about Audrey Pettit O’Donnell in Los Angeles. She said that she was in no danger from the fires but that they are dealing with the smoke from the Malibu fires. I have not heard from anyone else. Let’s hope that the worst is over. From Marcy
I received the note below from Larry Carballo. I gave him Gino’s phone number and I’m waiting back to hear from Gino’s brother about what’s going on in California.
Fortunately Jerry Murphy moved to Arizona a few years ago so he’s not in any danger. Larry said he will keep me posted if he hears anything from Gino.
If any of you California residents are reading this, please let us know you are OK. From Marcy on 11/13
Hi Marcy , it’s been a while since we’ve communicated and that is my fault. I just seem to let time slip away from me.
I have been thinking of and praying for our classmates that may live in California. I hope you can give me. current contact info for Gino Lynch and Jerry Murphy.
Also any posts to our site to let us know how other classmates in Ca. are doing. I hope to see you in July. Thanks and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Larry.
Hi Marcy. Hope you're doing well.
Just wanted to let you know that Bob Levine is home after successful quadruple bypass heart surgery at Yale University. He has some challenges ahead on his road to recovery, but seems to be doing well. I'm sure he'd like to hear from any classmates. 519 Putting Green Lane, Oxford, CT 06478. His email is pblevine@ix.netcom.com.
I'm doing fine and spending time with my grandsons. The oldest is a senior in high school and narrowing his college choices. My younger grandson is loving his first year in high school and playing Freshman football.
My best to you.
Dear Marcy, I know I said I would send pix of myself and wife on our 21 anniversary. Unfortunately she was in the hospital having a battery of tests after some severe chest pains. Luckily everything was normal, so no pix... although she looks good in a hospital gown.
STEVE Weissman
Happy to hear she got a clean bill of health. There’s always next year for the anniversary picture.
I found a web site that offers school clothing- even High Schools, including LMHS.
I have purchased some hoodies and have found them very comfortable. The sizing is a little
small, so I would suggest the next size for sweat shirts.
Steve Ross
As many of you already know, Honey Cottrell and Frank Curtin have been making calls to classmates trying to update email addresses that are no longer working. The downside of this is finding out that more of our classmates have passed away. Frank spoke to Eric Hogling in California who told him that Tom Ruggiero passed away several years ago.
Honey found out that Maxine Broad Hill died in August of 2014. I'm so glad she was able to make our 50th reunion and reunite with Maria Claps. We just recently learned of Maria's passing. So sad that they are both gone now.
Honey also found out that Howard (Bud) Ebert died in May of 2012. We will be moving these three classmates to our Gone But Not Forgotten section in the next few days.
We are discovering that many classmates who used to be online are no longer and therefore have no email addresses. Making things even more difficult is the fact that people who used to have land lines are now using only their cell phones and finding cell phone numbers is almost impossible. For these reasons it is so very important to update your information with us.
I can't thank Honey and Frank enough for all their efforts and the time they are spending making phone calls and doing people searches.
Bob has been busy updating all this information on the yearbook section. Finally, I would like to thank all of you who have sent your new addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. It makes our job so much easier. 04/05/2018
I will be moving into my new home on March 8th. This move has been much anticipated. I expect to find some wonderful surprises when I unpack. I haven’t seen most of my stuff for 17 months! I just found a really nice sweater......
Carol Lee (Eckhardt) Daniel
113 S. Monroe St.
Moscow, ID 83843
On the first of every month from now on we will be posting the names of the 1961 classmates who put a deposit down for reunion tickets. This is extra work for the person who is collecting the money for all the classes, so I will not burden her more than once a month. But it will give us an idea of who might be going. Thank you JoAnn Bongiovanni for so graciously doing this.
We also owe a big debt of gratitude to classmate Frank Curtin who has spent hours this week calling people to ask for their updated email addresses. 41 emails were returned to Honey on the day she mailed out the invitations to the reunion of the 60s. Frank was successful updating much of our information on classmates. Honey will be sending out snail mail invitations to those that could not be reached. I am so very grateful to all of you who do forward me their new information when it changes. It makes our recordkeeping so much easier. Bob spent a great deal of time yesterday just changing the information in the yearbook section.
Brad Scott will be mailing out the second half of the invitations and I only hope he has more luck than Honey did. Thanks to everyone who is pitching in to make this work.
From Marcy on March 1, 2018
Apologies to all of you who have recently sent me pictures for the "Informal Gathering" section and have had to wait before they could get posted. That section is 12 years old and filled with pictures (1,200 Pictures in 17 files). It just stopped working! Bob Benson has been working on it for days and the solution is to create a new section for 2018. It's now called "Informal - 2018" accessible only from the "Home" Page. The old "Informal Gatherings" is still available to look at and it is now called "Informal History". All of the new pictures for this year will go under the 2018 link. Thank you for your patience and thank you Bob for working tirelessly on this. Marcy 2/19/2018
One of the downsides reaching out to classmates before any reunion is finding out that another classmate has passed away.
Frank Curtin has been helping me by making phone calls to people with outdated email addresses. He reached the home of Maria Claps Hartranft and spoke with Maria’s daughter. He learned that Maria passed away on December 22, 2016.
I did a search and found her obituary. We will move her soon to the gone but not forgotten page. RIP Maria. I’m so glad I got a chance to talk with her at our 50th reunion. She remained just as sweet as she was in high school. Whenever we would communicate by email, she always spoke about her grandchildren.
If you did not get an RSVP/Registration, please let Honey (honey.cottrell@gmail.com) or Brad know.
Forty one emails were returned to Honey yesterday.
Check our yearbook page and make sure your information is updated.
Just sent in my RSVP/Registration for the 2019 Reunion.
Started my "Reunion Diet” today.
Hope we can have a great turnout for our class.
Steve Ross
I am sad to report that our classmate Joan Frisch Little passed away on December 10, 2017. Joan was married to our classmate Lou Little. I'm glad she was able to attend our 50th reunion. RIP Joan. In the near future we will move her to the gone but not forgotten page.
From Barbara Steinman Bengels
Where to begin? OK, I'm starting my 51st year teaching English and Comp at Hofstra and I've loved almost every minute. This semester, for example, I have my first student from Iceland! How cool is that (pun intended.) I'm always learning from the kids and thoroughly enjoy their company (though I am a tough teacher--and not appreciated by students who had no intention of working!) That's my "day" job. Three other days a week my beloved husband and I babysit for my extremely adorable youngest grandchild, Louie, now a bit over 2 1/2. He's here three days a week because his mom sleeps here when she works as Global Manager of Latham and Watkins, a big law firm in NYC, but she lives with her husband and 7 year old daughter the other days in East Hampton where she works from home. The only job I love more than teaching is playing with my grandkids!
My other daughters are both middle school teachers, one on Staten Island and the other in NJ. My NY daughter has given me two grandchildren, a 17 year old graduating now from the HS of Performing Arts at Lincoln Center--in opera!--and a 13 year old boy graduating from middle school at some professional kids school on 48th St in NYC. (I'm not that good a grandmother that I can keep track of the names of their schools.) Greggy has applied to technical high schools but his heart is in the arts, so we don't know where he'll be in the fall. His sister really plans to major in opera and is still getting acceptances from a variety of colleges so we don't know where she'll be in the fall either. My middle daughter has taught in an enormously successful Gifted Program for many years until her district decided to "save money" (not taking into consideration the amount her students brought in in grants.) She's now teaching French,serving as musical director of in school and many little theater productions throughout NJ, and going for a PH.D in Holocaust and Genocide studies. She's just won her second grant to study in Israel this summer-and is one of the busiest people I know.
Because of our getting older (and maybe wiser), we've sold a log cabin in Vermont which we'd had for 40+ years; that's been a big thing in the past year or so. We still go to Vermont but have found a motel which accepts dogs--and always has heat, running water, even tv, not all of which we had in the cabin. No maintenance! I love it. We travel less, but did get to the University of Kansas last summer where I was part of a program to honor my mentor of almost 40 years, Jim Gunn, a Grand Master of Science Fiction. Yes, I'm still involved with SF and taught an Honors seminar in it at Hofstra last year. I had inspiring students and again enjoyed every minute. I'm also still obsessed with theater--viewing, not participating--and thanks to Facebook have actually gotten back in touch with actors whom I knew in West Side Story when I was 15!
It's always a great pleasure to get together with old LMHS friends and I consider myself lucky that I can regularly play Words With Friends with Barbara Van Valen ElSherbini, have lunch with Marilyn Blumenthal Jacknow, and Fb with Ellen Kobrin and her sister Claire.
Life is good--and I send my love to everyone.
Pat McCauley Mangels met with Honey Cottrell and Carol Manning Del Prete to plan a get together for any interested classmates in the Florida area.
Pat's email address is: mangelsrich73@gmail.com Anyone who is interested please let her know. Thanks.
Hi Marcy,
It was a great visit, Honey will send pictures to post.
Here is the invite:
APRIL 28, 2018
If anyone wishes to stay over, there are 3 local hotels and we
can furnished prior to Get Together.
When we have everything set, we will put out another notice out
by March 1st. Then monies can be sent to Pat (McCauley) Mangels,
2035 Hartlebury Way, Sun City Center, Fl. 33573. This is being
organized by Pat Mangels, Carol (Manning) Del Prete, and
Honey Cottrell.
We look forward to a good turnout and there will be a few fun
reminisces for all. Please bring your yearbook for signing.
Thanks Marcy, Honey and Carol. Will talk soon.
February 2, 2018
Hi Honey;
Here is a check for the website. I have been somewhat out of touch with our
class. I came across the website quite by accident yesterday. It is amazing that so
many of our classmates are still involved after nearly 57 years. It was great to see
some of the class pictures from elementary school. Although I did not recognize
him, I was happy to see pictures of Mr. Gallo's classes at Abbey Lane. It was Mr.
Gallo who got me interested in mathematics which led to my future studies in
college. Aside from mathematics, I was the recipient of Mr. Gallo's chalk. He
would throw it with some force at any student who was caught talking. I could
never control my sense of humor when I saw something funny. I think I was his
favorite target.
I moved to Sarasota two years ago. Many of the mementos and class pictures are
still in boxes. One of these days, I will start going through them and send you
anything of interest.
I tried to retire twice. I had my own software company which I closed in 1998.
That was my first retirement. I took a job as a computer programmer with Mt
Sinai Hospital on Miami Beach. I tried to retire from that job in 2014. They
wouldn't let me go. Since 2014, I work from my house (including Sarasota) linked
to the Hospital in Miami Beach via the internet.
I am about to celebrate our 49th year wedding anniversary. We have three
children: 2 daughters and a son. I have seven grandchildren. They range in age
from 4 years old to my oldest who is 21. My son lives in Sarasota with his wife and
4-year-old daughter. That is the reason we moved here from North Miami Beach.
They needed grandparents to help out.
I will try to find some items of interest from the old days. Be well and take care.
Joel Chesnoff
On Saturday, January 27, 2018, 8:45 PM, marcy fall <marcyfall@yahoo.com> wrote:
I received this note from Barbara Steinman Bengals. I sent her Phil’s information. I reminded her that we can look up any classmate on the yearbook page and find their address or email address. Wouldn’t it be great if one of our classmates made the hall of fame? I definitely think Phil qualifies as a New York Times best-selling author.
Hello old friend,
I thought you might like to know that according to Newsday there's a Levittown Hall of Fame competition for oldies like us. The website islevittownschools.com. I tried to nominate Phil Margolin yesterday but don't have his address to give to them (and to let him know I've done so.) Could you possibly send that to me?
Right now I'm living temporarily in a motel because the last storm caused our boiler to crack so we're having the furnace (or something?) replaced next week. We've been without heat on and off since that early January storm. I will try to get back to you soon with more information about what I've been up to--but I think I may have also said that awhile ago! How are you?
Fondly, Barbara
I read a note in Newsday today about a Levittown Schools Hall Of Fame.
If you go to levittownschools.com you can see the info
If you nominate someone, you will have to get a CV from them and add it to the online form to justify your nomination.
Steve Ross 01/27
With permission from Pat McCauley Mangels, I am sharing her Facebook post with her classmates. She can be reached at mangelsrich73@gmail.com. We wish her a speedy recovery. Get well soon Pat!
Hi Everyone! Yesterday was a horrendous day for me. What started out as a day to honor our Vets by the Governor, turned into me having a heart attack. Yup! Not something I had ever expect would happen to me, but here I am. So I will be changing a few things in my life so this doesn’t happen again. I had to have Angiogram and angioplasty because I had 90%blockage in one artery, there also was a clot so they also put in a stint. There are 2 more 60% blockages which they will watch. I am feeling so much better, hope to go home tomorrow and start my new way of living. Thanks to everyone for your concern and prayers. My Cardiologist and staff here at Brandon Regional Hospital have been fantastic. I expect to go home tomorrow and start over again to stay well.
It's time for my annual "thanks for all you do" email, so "thanks for all you do" in keeping us up to date on what's happening with our classmates. We really do appreciate it.
Hope you're doing well. Things here are good. My grandsons keep getting a little older and a little taller and I keep getting a little older and a little shorter. It's hard for me to believe that my oldest grandson is narrowing his list of potential colleges. Where did the years go?
My best wishes to you for a great holiday and a happy and healthy new year.
Harvey Pearlstein 12/14/2017
That was the Year 2017 that Was
Another year is coming to an end and this one marks over twelve years since we opened this website for class of 61 members. It has been a rewarding experience for me. I've come to know so many of you so much better than I did in high school. We've all become so much closer. This was apparent when hurricane season was in full force. I received phone calls and emails asking how our Florida residents were doing. I was grateful for Facebook as many of you were able to post how you fared. Many declared themselves safe on the Red Cross Facebook feed. Quite a few people evacuated not knowing what they would find when they returned. One by one people would post their status when power was restored. Amazingly some never lost power. The most memorable story for me was Honey's. She lives in Tampa which was hit hard. But she was worried about her ninety six year old mother who lives in a mobile home park. Not a safe place to be when a hurricane hits. So they went and picked up her mother before the storm hit and brought her back to Tampa with them. When the hurricane had finally passed Honey was without power for days. Her mother wanted to go back home and survey the damage. Would you believe that the entire mobile home park was untouched? Not only that, but they never lost power. So Honey and Tom stayed there to avoid the heat without air conditioning in their own home.
It was heartwarming to see that power companies