Informal Gatherings

Photo provided by Ann Marie Ademac-Coady. Unfortunately Ann Marie was not in the photo.
This is the third time...Christmas Dinner at Karen and Kris Weich's house, Marilyn Lerner Workman's daughter...Marilyn and I have been friends for 66 years, friends since 5th grade. Dinner was a success, clean plate club and some even took seconds...Feeling blessed with my second family...

Perfect gift for Harvey Pearlstein.

I just had to share this Christmas card from classmate Phil Smith. Some of you know that he creates his own cards every year. Usually he paints a picture but this year he chose two photos with a story. Seeing the work of his father leaves no doubt where Phil got his creative talents.
Marcy 12-17-19
Hi Marcy, please share the following with our classmates:
Happy Holidays to the LMHS class of 1961, above all, health to everyone in 2020.
Quick catch up: still working P/T, traveling and watching our 4 grandsons grow: some learning to drive, others applying to college and some navigating the middle and high school world.
From Roni (Cojac) and Alan Mintz
Atlanta, GA.

Hi Marcy,
> Well, congrads on being home again! I'm sure you are feeling better, and happy to be home at last. All that PT must have been hard. Keep up the good work.
> Frank drove over last week, and we all had a really good time. We showed him around the area and talked about everything under the Sun. 'Even went out for a late lunch at our favorite place here in Oxford. We also agreed to take you out for a nice lunch as soon as you are up for it. So continue your in-home PT, and let us know when you have recovered enough to have lunch. We can even compare PT stories!
> 'Sorry for the delay in getting you this picture. It was hard to pull these glossy picture papers out of my little cell phone. The caption could be "Frank and Bob in Oxford, CT.". For future reference, please tell me what's the best size for these website photos. As for that future reference, tonight is our 48th anniversary, and we're going out again. I'll try to remember to take another picture.
> Be well, and regards

Phil Smith and his son Chris. Marcy found this photo on FaceBook and Phil gave her permission to post it on our class site.

Barbara Steinman-Bengels and Barbara Van Valen-Eisherbini got together for a visit. Appears by their smiles that it was a fun time.
Carol (Manning) and Sal Del Prete
celebrating Carol's last Chemo & Radiation treatments

A note from Pat Pandolfi Cox:
Saw this when I was walking today (in MA) and thought of Gino. I know he's on Facebook and you know I'm not. Also, I had his cell number but it "disappeared" when I got a new phone.
Anyway, would you send it to him for me.
YES, I will take pictures at the reunion.
From Marcy:
Gino is on Facebook, but doesn’t go online anymore. He got rid of his computer but he does have a Kindle and he can once in a while look at our class site. Hopefully he will see it here. Thanks Pat. We are hoping for lots of reunion pictures. That goes for everyone that will be attending.

Pat (McCauley) & Rich Mangels celebrating Fathers Day with Carol (Manning) & Sal Del Prete. Dinner looks delicious!
Carol (Manning) Del Prete having her first chemo session last week...
... Then Carol & Her Husband Sal attended a western BBQ & Dance later that evening. What an amazing group of classmates we have!

From Harvey Pearlstein
With grandson Sean at his high school graduation. Really proud of this kid! He's off to Indiana University next year. Where did the years go?

Carol Manning-Del Prete and Pat McCauley-Mangels listening to music and enjoying the pool on Mother's Day

Thank you Jerry Murphy for sending these pictures because Frank Curtin says he can’t be counted on to send pics. Frank is driving cross country in his RV to visit his daughter in California and he stopped in Arizona
to pay the Murphys a visit. He spent the night with them and Jerry says Frank talked more in one night than he ever heard him talk from six grade to graduation day! 😂

Anyone recognize this guy???
The Administrators of the Levittown School District and Levittown Schools Board honored our classmate Louise DeNardo Cassano with the SCOPE Community Service Award. No one deserves it more.
Congratulations Louise!

It has been 58 years since I graduated from high school. Not only do I stay in touch with former classmates, but I also get to see some of them from time to time. Frank Curtain paid me a visit today because he had to drive through New Paltz on his way to Kingston. You never know who you might see when you get up in the morning. Life is full of nice surprises.
Happy Birthday Pat

On March 12th three of our Florida Classmates got together for lunch. I think of them as the Golden Girls. They organized last year's successful Florida Reunion. (click here to see photos)
Carol Manning-Del Prete, Pat McCauley-Mangels and Honey Murway-Cottrell spent time enjoying each other's company.

At the end of this month Pat Pandolfi Cox will be turning 75. Sometimes a little early celebration is called for in order to make sure everyone can be there. A neighbor was moving north before the end of the month and what a great excuse to hold a birthday party and a going away party. Happy birthday Pat.
A little sidenote. At the 2005 reunion Pat showed me the birthday card I sent her on her 16th birthday! I will never forget how shocked I was.