Have something to share with the Class? Drop a line. We would all like to hear from you! Here's what we "hear"
latest posting first.
Please send me your birthday or anniversary (or any other classmate birthday/anniversary) and we will post it on the appropriate month.
Thanks- Marcy
Another year is drawing to a close. It was an eventful one to say the least. With the help of her brother Gary, Honey learned the ins and outs of website publishing. Thanks to their hard work, we were able to keep all of the pictures from the last 14 years. It was hours of work every day and we still managed to get our new news and pictures published as soon as they came in. The one year anniversary for the new class site is coming up in January.
Speaking of January, there will probably be no new postings on this site until after January 7th. Honey and her husband Tom are taking a Mekong River Cruise and were told there is no WIFI on the boat. So please be patient. You can send me news and pictures and I will hold them until she returns.
We lost one classmate this past year. John Kollen passed away in May, bringing our total number of deceased classmates to 72, it makes the rest of us realize how fortunate we are when we look at the Gone But Not Forgotten Page on the Yearbook section of the website.
We will always be eternally grateful to the boosters who have paid our bills for the past 14 years. Some of you have given every single year. We are happy to tell you that we are in an excellent place financially and there will be no need for sending booster checks in the year 2020. We have prepaid fees etc. for the next year. Our biggest expense in the past was Bob’s salary. For Honey and I it is a labor of love and we will not need anything to keep us up and running. I knew I would miss the Booster Collage on the homepage so we decided to create a collage of all our past boosters including deceased boosters. So hopefully we can get that done by January. It will be our way of saying thank you to all those who played a part in keeping us afloat.
On a personal level I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you who reached out to me this past year. As most of you know, I had a bad fall that resulted in a broken hip and a broken ankle. It was more than two months before I could go home. I was consumed with guilt because I was unable to help Honey with any of the website chores. The cards and letters from so many of you helped brighten my mood. So thank you.
The big highlight for many of you this year was the reunion for LMHS Classes of the 60’s. Brad Scott and Honey were our class reps and put a lot of time, along with Frank Curtin’s help, into contacting people and sending out invitations. Those who went had a great time and we were able to welcome Rosemary McNerney back into the fold. She supplied us with some great pictures for the website.
Condolences to all of you who lost family members this year. Hats off to those of you who are caregivers for parents and spouses. We wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2020.
Marcy (12-17-19)
Marcy & Honey
This is my annual thank you email for everything you ladies do to keep us informed through the website. You do a wonderful job and it is really appreciated.
My best wishes to you and your families for a wonderful holiday and a happy and healthy 2020.
Harvey (12-16-19)
Condolences to our classmate Dotty Dorsa Read. Her brother Bill passed away today from a heart attack. Eight years ago yesterday was the anniversary of her husband‘s death. Dotty can be reached at
dotr86@optonline.net. 12-14-19
Marcy received this from Harvey Pearlstein 12/7
Hope you're doing better.
I've been in touch with Rich Broder frequently these past few weeks, and he told me it was ok to pass this along to you so it can be posted on our website. His wife of 53 years, Sue, passed away about 5 weeks ago. She had been ill for quite a while. I had not seen her in many years, but I remember what a delightful woman she was.
Take care of yourself please. Harv
For those who want to reach out to Rich Broder he can be contacted at Rbroderesq@aol.com
Happy Veterans Day

Our condolences to Ann Marie Adamec-Coady on the passing this morning of her sister Olivia. Ann Marie's email address is AMCFA@bellsouth.net
HI Honey
My new address is:: 2912 Ethan Pointe Drive, Unit 10108 Burlington, NC 27215
Mobile phone: 631 356 2884
Hope you are doing well, Carolyn Nelson
Hi Marcy...Just checking in to see how you're doing. Hope you're getting around a little better.
Everything is good out here. My oldest grandson loves college at Indiana. Turns out he's in the same dorm as Esther Kaufman Singer's granddaughter. Youngest gandson is playing Sophmore football and doing very well. I'm doing fine.
Again, hope you're doing ok. Harv
Hi Marcy,
> Happy Wednesday
> Thank you sweetie for your email. New address is 4980 Vizcaya Dr. Pensacola, FL 32507...yes, we do have some new pics, but they are still packed. We bought this beautiful Gulf Beach home on 7-25-18 and finally moved the last truckload on 6-1-19....no, I don't like paying debt service. We had some move complications and delays...I was sick with three bouts of bronchitus, Cindy's mom passed in January, we lost a dog after 14 years, our home sold in two days with five offers in March and we rented our home from the new owners for six weeks exiting 5-31-19, the same day as Cindy's retirement from UT Knoxville....WOW! Is that enough? We have over 200 boxes in the garage and another 30 music, lighting, and instrument containers plus drums, in the den/music room. The air here is fantastic as is everything else...fresh seafood is beaucoup cher'...I cook shrimp, catfish, redfish, salmon, seafood jambalaya, etc...on an inside or outside gas stoves....Crawfish...ummm.."pinch dem tails and suck dem heads cher'"....Love you, Brad
9/12 - Barbara O'Connell-Lawrence had knee surgery for a torn meniscus but left the hospital yesterday and says she is feelng great! Barbara's email address is boconnell47@gmail.com
09/12 - Pat is home after her surgery and doing well.
Pat McCauley-Mangels will be having hip replacement surgery on Monday September 9th. We will keep everyone posted on how she is doing. Pat's email address is Mangelsrich73@gmail.com.

Received this from Steve Bitel
Check out the Art Show this weekend - Steve will be at Booth #68
Thank you for the E-mail message Rosemary McNerney:
I was just looking over the website again...a fabulous website, I’ve said this before. Anyway on those pictures of Jones Beach after the storm. The next to last picture is the center mall boardwalk and the large hole on the bottom edge of the picture is where the Boardwalk Restaurant was located. It had been demolished for years and Donald Trump had won a bid to redevelop that property into a catering facility. This idea was not met well by locals and architects/building experts refused to grant permits to build because of flooding risks to basement and structure. So, that hole remained undeveloped for many years till Superstorm Sandy finally convinced the Trumps that this dream project was washed up or out. I haven’t been to the beach in many years and last I know, that area was filled in and became a parking lot or area for food trucks. Perhaps a recent visitor can comment re: what, if anything, has reopened on this site. Just a little FYI
Anyone been to this part of Jones Beach since "Superstorm Sandy?"
Hi Honey,
Sorry to hear about Marcy and hope that she is doing better.
Thanks for your request. Our son, Aaron, has just found what might be a reasonable picture, and I will forward it to you shortly.
You are doing a great job of keeping the class together, and I hope that we will be able to participate in events in the not too distant future.
Thanks again, and all the best.
Paul Banikiotes
Hi Honey,
My daughter was stuck and needed a last minute baby sitter. Sorry I missed the reunion. I received my goody bag in the mail the other day. Thanks for saving it for me! Hopefully I can make the next Reunion..
Stu Smith
We are sad to announce the passing of another classmate. John Kollen died on May 8, 2019. Services were at Giove Funeral Home in Selden, New York. He was buried in Calverton National Cemetery on May 13. John's picture has been moved to the Gone But Not Forgotten Page and as always we welcome any pictures or memories you would like to share there. RIP John.
MARCY, hope this finds you well. Two weeks ago I retired from sales after 53 yrs as a commissioned Salesman. The past 40 was in the textile industry.
Now that I am home I am spending time clearing out old closets, files, pictures, etc. and came across the panoramic picture ( 10"X 20")of all of us on our Senor Trip to DC.
I was wondering if there was some way to publish it on our web page? I would be willing to send it to whomever could figure it out, but would certainly want it back.
Lastly, please send me the address of where I can send my website contribution.
Palm City, FL
Good to hear from you Steve. The address above is right on our homepage. Congratulations on your retirement!
If you look towards the bottom of the "way we were" page, you will see that Jerry Murphy already sent us the picture you were speaking about. It’s a scaled down version, but it will save you the time and trouble of mailing your copy.
What I would like from you is a recent picture of you and your wife. The last time you were going to send me one on your anniversary month, she wound up in the hospital. If you have a wedding picture, I would love to get that too. Honey made two separate sections for "anniversary and wedding" photos. I am hoping we have more people contribute to these sections. This is a hint to all you other classmates!

I can't remember who was looking for a class ring 1961. I came across it recently and if anyone is still interested I'm willing to sell it, $100.00 size 7.5. Tnx... My email address is nonna622@outlook.com.

See letter from Doug Greener on "Informal Gatherings"
Message from Louise DeNardo-Cassano:
Love this website! Please add the following links to two important Levittown groups on the "More" page in the links to everything Levittown section: Levittown Special Events is the group that's handling Levittown's 75th Anniversary celebration in 2022 with events every year till then. You can keep up with anniversary activities on our at: LevittownSpecialEvents
Levittown Community Council was established in 1998 following Levittown's 50th anniversary and runs several community events throughout the year. You can keep up with its activities and, perhaps, see a former classmate or two on its Facebook page at: LevittownCommunityCouncilInc
Hi Honey: Hope you're doing well. Thanks for your efforts with the Website. You're doing a great job! In looking through the wedding photos you posted, I noticed there is no date for my photo. My late wife and I were married May 25, 1968. We had 46 wonderful years together until she passed in July, 2014. Again, thanks for all you do.
Harvey Pearlstein
This photo was posted by Richard Carballo on the L.M.H.S REUNION 2019 Facebook Page for Throwback Thursday
With the NCAA Basketball Tourney starting today, let's look at the 1961 Panthers, probably the best Basketball Team LMHS ever produced!

To see previous year updates click HERE